April 16th, 2010
Dearest 'Cole,
I remember 12 years ago a caseworker called me and asked me if I was interested in adopting a four-year old girl. I told her sure and she said she would bring a picture of the little girl out to me. She came over the next day with a manila folder that contained a picture and some info about you. I looked at the picture and knew immediately without any doubt in my mind that this little girl was my daughter.
I remember the first time we met at your foster mother's house. You came over and sat next to me and we talked. I felt my heart sing.
Over the years we have experienced so many things together. We’ve grown up together. We’ve laughed together. We’ve cried together.
You have been my daughter for twelve years. I love you immeasurably. You have brought so much joy into my life. You are my daughter and my friend. I have enjoyed watching you grow up to become the young woman you are today. You are a great person. I am honored and humbled to be called your mother.
I hope your future is full of wonderful things. I hope we share many more adventures together. Happy 16th Birthday.
With lots of love,