After visiting Hocking Hills we drove a few miles down the road to Lake Logan State Park. We had a cookout and the kids rode around the lake on paddle boats
It was nice watching a group of city kids having fun without a video game or tv in sight.
The Real Life Adventures of a single african-american adoptive parent, trying to parent four unique, wonderful children.
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale a tale of a family trip,that started from this tiny port,aboard this tiny ship.
The mate was a mighty sexy chic,
the Skipper couldn't see,
12 passengers set sail that day,
for a eighty dollar fee,
a eighty dollar fee.
Attention spans started getting short, the freeze pops thrill was lost.
If not for the patience of the fearless crew,
the children would be tossed.
The children would be tossed.
The ship circled twice around the shore of this small lake,
with Uncle Rich,
Aunt Judy too.
Banana mom and her crew
no movie star,
the cousins and Uncles boy,
here on Family Fun Isle.
So these are the tales of our family trips,
we'll go for a long long time.
We'll have to make the best of things,
it's an uphill climb.
Banana Mom and her Sister too
will do their very best,
to make the others comf'terble
in their family fun quest.
Cell phones, T-shirts, complaining kids, how do we all stay sane.
We feed them lots of yummy things, cringe when they call our name.
So join us here each week my friends,
you're sure to get a smile,
from three grownups, and nine crazy kids here on Family Fun Isle!
I was at work giggling all day...humming this song. People were looking at me like I was crazy.
Hi Kathy;
That certainly looks serene. I so love going to the lake...something so peaceful about it.
I am hoping someday to trade our cabin in the woods, for a cabin on a lake...someday, it has been added to my prayer list. God's timing is perfect.
mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted
I'd love to have a cabin by a lake. That sounds sooo divine. There's something so rejuvenating about being outside surrounded by the beauty created by God.
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