52. Take a vacation.
53. Go to a beach.
54. Run through a sprinkler.
55. Make your own slip-and slide. (Heavy tarp + sprinkler=fun)
56. Climb a tree.
57. Build a tree house.
58. Go camping.
59. Give everyone a can of whipped cream and put them outside for a whipped cream fight.
60. Learn Sign Language.
61. Learn how to draw.
62. Take swimming lessons.

63. Go to an Airshow.
64. Go see fireworks.
65. look at the living creatures in a creek.
66. Invite a cousin over to spend the week (or weekend)
67. Make doughnuts out of canned biscuits and decorate them.
68. Find out important things about your birthday. Birthday Calculator + Facts
69. Learn about a different culture.
70. Clean out from under all the beds.
71. Watch diet coke fizz when you add Mentos to it. Fizz Factor
72. Clear out a room and go carpet skating Carpet Skates
73. Teach the dog a trick.
74. Learn a magic trick.
75. Grab some joke books from the library and have a comedy day.
76. Read the newspaper together.
77. Do a crossword puzzle together.
78. Have a party for no reason.
79. Visit a neighbor.
80. Clean up the litter in your block.
81. Make coloring books to trade with each other.
82. Go to a free concert.
83. Make a CD of summer music and have a sing-a-long.
84. Go birdwatching.
85. Buy a disposable camera and a scrapbook so everyone can remember their favorite summer things.
86. Visit your state capitol building.
87. Go for a paddle boat ride.
88. Have a slumber party.
89. Play tennis.
90. Visit an Aquarium
91. Go miniature golfing
92. Go bowling.
93. Visit a fair.
94. Visit a family member you haven't seen in awhile.
95. Go horseback riding
96. Take a drive through the country.
97. Hop on a Greyhound Bus and take a short ride to a nearby town.
98. Spend the night at the Zoo. (May need to get a group together for this)
99. Paint each others faces
100. Make balloon animals.
101. Just enjoy each other.
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