At the beginning of every school year I buy each of my children two bags of socks. School has been in session for two months and guess what ?!?
Where did they go ?
I asked the small children to please look around their room and see if they could find any socks. Five seconds later they came to me and said "No, Mommy we can't find any socks."
So that means mommy must brave the disaster area that is their room and hunt down renegade socks. My search yielded 4 socks, a pair of clean underwear, and two nickles
There are no socks in the laundry hamper. There are no socks under the beds. There are no socks here or there. I can't find those darn things anywhere.
Is someone sneaking into the house in the middle of the night and stealing the socks ?!?
D0 the kids sell the socks ? And if they do what is the going rate for socks these days ?
I suggested to my sister that parents should just buy socks in bulk. Just get a giant industrial sized Box O' Sox. She laughed. Apparently she is not yet aware of the great sock mystery.
That's okay, her grandchildren will soon have her educated about the issue.
Meanwhile, I guess I'll be buying more socks.
Buying in bulk is a great idea. Boys and girls seem to have such similar socks.... I'm gonna look into that. And yep, my kids' socks are always disappearing also.
So sorry about Oreo. :(
I've been looking around pricing bulk socks online...so far I can't find anyplace that has a good deal. Maybe you'll have better luck than me.
And Thanks for thinking of our Oreo. :)
I thought the washing machine ate them???????
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