From all of us here in the House of Bananas.
The Real Life Adventures of a single african-american adoptive parent, trying to parent four unique, wonderful children.
Nothing major, just small annoyances.
I can't believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner. It seems like it was just summer a few weeks ago. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love cooking, so I get to do two of my favorite things... cook and entertain people.
It's going to be a little strange this year, I'm used to Granny being in the background watching me cook and offering advice.
Daisy to Pinky: " I wanna kill some. How come you think you get to kill all of them ?" (Discussing flies and/or gnats that have invaded their bedroom. )
Pinky to Daisy: " What did that cough medicine taste like"
Daisy: Like rotten cherries."
Pinky to Rowdy (the dog) : "Come on Rowdy you aren't supposed to be in the kitchen when Mommy's cooking."
'Cole to the Twins: "Ask Mommy if I can have a q-tip if feels like there's little people talking in my ear."
Yes, that is my cell phone bill. Yes, that is Pickles' portion of the bill. For a phone he only had ONE WEEK.
I'm still stunned. (and more than a little bit peeved)
I went over the rules about cellphone ownership with him. He was not to download anything or go online. I did get everyone on the plan unlimited text messaging. His little "girlfriend" was sending him music downloads and ring tones. His excuse was that "he didn't know he was downloading" when he accepted those items.
He is very VERY lucky that I have become a much calmer parent over the years, because seriously.....I wanted to snap his head off.
I only got him the phone because he walks almost two miles to school and for afterschool activities that would cause him to come home late.
The day we brought the phone home Granny warned me and I quote "Don't know why you did that...that boy don't know what to do with a phone."
Turer words have never been spoken.