Sunday, December 30, 2007
2007- Our year in review
This year seems like it went by so fast.
It has been a year of transitions for our family. Back in January I lost my job of 6.5 years and spent seven months unemployed.
Being unemployed allowed me to spend the summer with my children, something I've never gotten to do before. We didn't have money to take fancy vacations or do much, but we still managed to have fun and enjoy each other's company.
I was truly blessed with a job offer right before school started, it was just in time. I am happy to say I still love my job !
Daisy and Pinky's pet cat Oreo died earlier this year and my dog Asia escaped, never to be seen again.
I've watched my son go from being shorter than me to being taller than me...just in one year. He's also maturing into a delightful young man. I am so proud to be his mother.
'Cole became a teenager this year. I miss that delightful little girl who stole my heart so completely many years ago. I look at her now and see a beautiful young woman blossoming right before my eyes. Every day I ask myself how did she grow up so fast ?
Daisy and Pinky had a rough year, partly because they are growing up and partly because they are questioning who they are. They'll be ten next year...I just can't believe it.
Granny was ill in late summer, but she recovered nicely and is at home being her ornery old self.
We are looking forward to a wonderful new year full of adventure and grown and learning.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The family Christmas party was a BLAST ! There were about 12 kids just bouncing off the walls...but they had so much fun.
We had a lovely Christmas Day ! We discussed the reason why we celebrate Christmas and how blessed we are just to have each other.
The kids got a nice amount of stuff, without me feeling like I went overboard.
Pickles got a few video games, clothes, a movie and a new jacket. Daisy and Pinky got Leapsters with 2 games, Baby Alive Wets and Wiggles (think I'm going to regret that), clothes and two other dolls. 'Cole received jewelry, a few video games and clothes. I got 2 pairs of jeans, some cooking utensils and some porcelain figurines. Granny got a new comforter set, a sheet set and a heated throw.
I'm just happy it's over until next year.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
A Flower with Grass-Is-Always-Greener Disease (Part 1)
Why ?
Because Daisy and Pinky are not allowed to play in their room when I'm not home.
Because of the level of fighting/arguing that goes on between Daisy and Pinky we decided a long time ago that they cannot handle being unsupervised and playing in their room. They seem to do a little better when I'm home, and I can redirect them or put them in time out.
But when I'm gone and Granny is in charge....all heck breaks loose.
Yesterday, Granny called me to report that Daisy was crying and upset ("Everyone likes Pinky better, no one likes me"), because Pinky was breathing on her. Daisy was laying in her bed (bottom bunk) and Pinky was laying on her bed (top bunk) Pinky was asleep, but snoring rather loudly. Daisy felt like Pinky was being loud on purpose.
I had to roll my eyes at the silliness of this typical situation.
When I try to explain to Daisy that that behavior is one of the reasons why they aren't allowed to play in the room together, it seems like she just can't understand. Like it can't possible be HER behavior that is causing the problem. It must be because everyone hates her or as she says "Everybody else gets to play in their room and they don't get in trouble for fighting. I should have my own room"
To which I answer; "Daisy, dear.... you and Pinky fight every single day about something, If I can't trust you to play nicely together, then you have to come out of your room."
Daisy: "Well, why can't we watch tv when we come out of the room."
Mommy: "Because I don't allow tv watching during the school week."
Daisy: " Everybody hates me."
Mommy;" Why do you feel that way Daisy ?"
Daisy: " The cousins don't have to sit in a time out."
Mommy: " You don't really know that, don't live with them."
Daisy: " Is it snowing outside ?"
And just like that the conversation is over. Her mind is in a totally different place and there's no way to reach her.
It seems like a combination of her age (9) and personality. She has always been a negative person. Part of it goes back to her self-esteem issues. In her mind, I don't think she feels lovable.
She certain is my most trying child. It's hard to reason with someone who doesn't know how to be happy.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
But I keep wanting to eat things I know I can't cheeseburgers and french fries.
It wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. All I remember is the doctor asked me if I felt anything and the next thing I know he was calling my name and the surgery was over.
It's supposed to snow today, so I had to run to the grocery store for a few things. luckily we made it back home before the snow started.
My Christmas shopping is just about done. I just need to pick up some stocking stuffers and a few clothing items for the big kids.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
What do you get for the kid who destroys everything ?
But when it comes to toys... He is a one-kid wreaking crew.
He doesn't really own any toys, usually because once he touches them they mysteriously get damaged in some way.
I've tried remote controlled cars, electric guitars, board games, portable game systems (he had a Nintendo DS...once), an electric scooter, action figures... you name it I've bought it. The only thing he owns that hasn't been destroyed (yet) is his Playstation 2 and the games that go with it. I am amazed that it has lasted 4 years.
He's asked for some pretty pricey items for Christmas this year and as much as I'd LOVE to get them for him. I just can't see wasting all that money on things that won't last longer than a week or two.
I'd like to get him something that can hold his interest and won't end in up as a pile of rubble, but my mind is going completely blank. (any ideas ?)
I did buy some clothing for him and a bucket of K'Nex. He's also getting an MP3 player (he wants a Zune...I don't think so).
There must be something out there that is Pickles-proof....
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Things I've Done Today
9:15 Fixed Breakfast and read newspaper.
10:30 Took movie rentals back to the store.
11:30 Took air conditioner and outdoor toys out to the garage.
12:15 Fixed Lunch
1:00 Went to the Honeybaked Ham Store to pick up ham for Thanksgiving.
2:00 Ran to Family Dollar for Laundry Soap.
3:00 Dusted the ceiling in the kitchen (don't ask)and dusted ceiling fan.
3:45 Started laundry
4:00 Swept living room and upstairs hallway.
5:00 Started Dinner
6:00 Did the dishes.
6:15 Placed clothes on hangers so children could put them away.
7:00 Gave the kids leftover Halloween Candy...because I was too tired to fix a proper snack.
8:00 Supervised bath time. (Basically just me yelling at everyone to quit splashing)
9:00 Redid Blog Template.
9:30 Tucked all children into bed.
10:30 Finished Laundry (Not really...but I'm not doing anything else today.)
11:00 Go to Bed(Hopefully)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Tooth that Refuses to Leave
So after two hours in the dentist office and countless x-rays of my entire mouth, my tooth and I are still united.
I don't need a dentist. I need an oral surgeon. I could get it pulled today...if I were willing to go to Pickerington, Ohio. (I don't drive AND I don't know where Pickerington is...but I'm pretty sure it's not on the bus line)
So "Throbby" (my affectionate name for the problem tooth) is still hanging out in my mouth, but not hurting due to a lovely prescription for a painkiller (and an antibiotic)
I think Throbby is trying to ruin my Thanksgiving, by making it impossible for me to eat.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
"Wii" Are Addicted
Yesterday, I was looking through the Sunday Advertisements and saw that Meijer was going to have 10 Wii's in stock that morning. I really didn't believe we'd get one and I still wasn't sure it would be worth the money, but off we went to the store. As I steered my cart into the toy aisle I spotted an employee and the store manager putting one Wii box in the display case. My eyes must have lit up like a kid at Christmas because the manager took one look at me and said "Oh, you look like you want one of these."
I bobbed my head like a pre-schooler on a sugar high.
The rest happened so fast it was like a blur. Paid for it. Finished grocery shopping. Couldn't even concentrate, I was so excited. After dinner I hooked it up to 'Cole's tv.
And wowie wow wow... It was so fun !
We all took turns playing bowling, boxing, and tennis. No one argued. No one got angry about losing. We laughed and had a really enjoyable time. Plus, we got a heck of a workout. Boxing and tennis really require a lot of movement and I even worked up a sweat.
Best money I've spent all year.
The kids are excited about next weekend because we still have two more games to try, baseball and golf.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Pickles Cooks Dinner
I planned the menu and wrote out a grocery list for him. Pretty simple menu. He made Chicken Taco Pasta Bake, Garden Salad and for dessert Breath Mint Pie.
We went to the store and I handed him his list. I told him to gather the items on the list and off he went. I went to do my own grocery shopping.
He had about 10 things on his list. It took him a while to find everything (about 30 minutes) and I had to help him a bit, but overall he did pretty good.
Hopefully he learned alot. (but mostly he made a mess)
Dinner was enjoyable, he did a great job.
We will absolutely have to do it again.
Next time I'll take pictures.
Parenting Burnout and the Single Mom
Somewhere along the line I stopped being the parent I want to be and need to be.
I know I'm supposed to take time to rejuvenate myself and meet my own needs, but there's just not enough hours in the day for that.
I try to find quiet time at the end of the day when everyone is in bed, but find myself picking something up or just trying to wash a few more loads of laundry.
There's always so much that needs to be done. So much laundry, so many things to plan, so much stuff to pick up or clean up. (and don't even get me started on the girl's room)
I haven't been in the mood to pull out the board games this whole entire year. I think we only went bike riding twice this year. It's so much easier to do things with the kids outside the house. Saturday we went out for lunch at Steak and Shake and went to a movie ('The Game Plan'). and I was actually pretty relaxed.
Maybe it's cabin fever.
All I know is I feel stressed without any reason, and it is such a strange feeling because I don't know what is causing the stress.
The kids aren't acting any different, my job is remarkably easy, I'm earning more money than I've ever made, and yet I almost feel suffocated.
I used to be the fun parent. We would play games together, I'd give the girl's pedicures and manicures, we'd play legos together (that's strange, I haven't even seen the legos this year.).
Maybe I need a vacation.
It's time to make some changes, I know that much. I certainly can't go on like this.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Holiday Crunchtime
Ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok. I'm better now.
Where did the year go ? Wasn't it just June ? Didn't school JUST start ?
Now there are 62 days until Christmas.
The Christmas season is my favorite time of year. I love the family togetherness of my sister's Annual Christmas Party. I love watching the looks of surprise as the kids open their presents. I just love the meaning and the spirit of the season.
But I hate the shopping.
I try to do it early, because I'm soooo not a mall-shopping type of person. I do the majority of the shopping online, so much so that it seems like the UPS guy is at my house more than I am.
I've made mental notes of the things the kids want for Christmas. I cut back on the over-indulgent aspect of it about two years ago. Now the kids get their presents based on this:
Something you want.
Something you need.
Something to wear.
Something to read.
That little list has helped simplify my life so much and it helps me to be able to enjoy the holiday so much more.
The kids were used to getting mountains of stuff so it has been quite an adjustment fot them, too.
Apple Picking 2007

Last Saturday we were invited to go the Apple Orchard with my friend Marcella and her children. The kids spent the afternoon climbing a large dirt hill. (I have a picture of this....I think, but the camera needs batteries)
It was nice catching up with Marcella. She got married back in September to her boyfriend of two years.
After apple picking and dirt-hill climbing we took the entire gang to CiCi's Pizza. A great (cheap) place to eat for large families.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Grocery Day
"Please quit poking the meat."
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Mommy Goes Bananas for.... Elisabeth Withers
Her song Simple Things from the album It Could Happen to Anyone just blows me away every time I hear it.
So if you have a moment drop by her MySpace page and take a listen...
and her official site
Pumpkin Spice Bread

It is October...right ??
Then WHY is it so stinking hot ??
I feel like I'm living in the Bahamas instead of Ohio !
But I didn't let the heat stop me from making Pumpkin Spice Bread.
It really did taste like Pumpkin Pie without the crust. Granny requested pecans and golden raisins in one loaf and while I'm not a fan of raisins in my Pumpkin wasn't too bad.
Pumpkin Spice Bread
Submitted by: Delora LucasRated: 5 out of 5 by 26 members
Prep Time: 10 MinutesCook Time: 1 Hour
Ready In: 1 Hour 10 Minutes Yields: 32 servings
3 cups sugar
1 cup vegetable oil
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 (16 ounce) can solid pack
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 cup water
In a large bowl, combine sugar, oil and eggs. Add pumpkin and mix well. Combine dry ingredients; add to the pumpkin mixture alternately with water. Pour into two greased 9-in. x 5-in. x 3-in. loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees F for 60-65 minutes or until bread tests done. Cool in pans 10 minutes before removing to a wire rack; cool completely.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Oh Where, Oh Where Did those little socks go ??

At the beginning of every school year I buy each of my children two bags of socks. School has been in session for two months and guess what ?!?
Where did they go ?
I asked the small children to please look around their room and see if they could find any socks. Five seconds later they came to me and said "No, Mommy we can't find any socks."
So that means mommy must brave the disaster area that is their room and hunt down renegade socks. My search yielded 4 socks, a pair of clean underwear, and two nickles
There are no socks in the laundry hamper. There are no socks under the beds. There are no socks here or there. I can't find those darn things anywhere.
Is someone sneaking into the house in the middle of the night and stealing the socks ?!?
D0 the kids sell the socks ? And if they do what is the going rate for socks these days ?
I suggested to my sister that parents should just buy socks in bulk. Just get a giant industrial sized Box O' Sox. She laughed. Apparently she is not yet aware of the great sock mystery.
That's okay, her grandchildren will soon have her educated about the issue.
Meanwhile, I guess I'll be buying more socks.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Another Month Comes to a Close

Daisy and Pinky's pet cat Oreo died last week. Leaving a quietness in our house. There's no cat jumping down the stairs or chasing her favorite ball around the living room. There's no cat to lean against your leg when she wants something. There's no cat purring in your ear to wake you up in the morning.
In other news we had Parent-Teacher Conferences last week for the big kids. It went pretty well. Pickles is still having trouble in math, but his teacher says he has the time to work with him. Hopefully he has the patience.
I had my first performance review at work... it went really well. I have to admit I do love my job. I couldn't ask for a better place to work.
Today is Granny's birthday. She is 69 years young today. I'm fixing her favorite dinner and she relaxing like she always does. Happy Birthday to my favorite old coot !!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
One Sick Kitty (Day 2)
The hypocalcemia was caused by her getting into something poisonous. We just don't know what it could be. I've gone over every inch of the house trying to figure out what she could have licked or eaten. I just don't know.
It would have to be something like antifreeze, but we don't own any antifreeze. (She's an indoor cat, so we know it has to be something from inside the house)
I just want to make sure she doesn't get into it again... hard to do when you don't know what you're looking for.
Friday, September 14, 2007
One Sick Kitty
We're not sure what is wrong with her, but I can tell by the way the veternarian was calculating the bill it's not gonna be pretty.
The vet called and said that Oreo is hypocalcemic, which means she has low blood calcium levels. (her level is 3 and should be between 7-11) So Oreo is getting an IV and some medicine and hopefully we can pick her up tomorrow.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Labor Day Dessert Recipes (Part 2)
Frozen Lemonade Pie
1 (14oz) can sweetend condensed milk
1 (6 oz) can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed UNDILUTED. (don't add water)
1 8 oz. container frozen whipped topping, thawed.
2 (9") prepared graham cracker pie crusts.
Garnish: lemon slices and fresh mint.
Fold sweetened condensed milk and lemonade concentrate into whipped topping.Spoon into crust.FREEZE until firm.Garnish, if desired, before serving.
Labor Day Dessert Recipes (Part 1)
Apple Cider Pound Cake- I didn't make the caramel glaze, but the cake was delicious without it. Tasted like an Autumn day.
Apple Cider Pound Cake With Caramel Glaze
Category: Pound Cake
Serves/Makes: 12 Difficulty Level: 3 Ready In: 1-2 hrs
***Pound Cake***
1 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup shortening
3 cups sugar
6 eggs
3 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup apple cider
1 teaspoon vanilla
***Caramel Glaze***
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons corn syrup
1/4 cup margarine
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat 10-inch tube pan with nonstick cooking spray.
For pound cake, soften butter and shortening. Gradually add sugar, beating for 1 minute. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating for 1 1/2 minutes after each addition.
Sift together flour, salt, allspice, nutmeg, baking powder, cloves and cinnamon. Blend together cider and vanilla. Add dry ingredients to butter mixture alternately with cider mixture. Stir until well-blended. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 1 1/2 hours, or until done.
For glaze, combine sugar, buttermilk, baking soda, corn syrup, margarine, vanilla and cinnamon in medium saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil over low heat. Boil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Top pound cake with glaze.
Recipe Location:
Recipe ID: 50280
This recipe is from CDKitchen
© 1995-2006 CDKitchen, Inc.
Happiness Is....
It has to be one of the best places to go when you need some quiet time.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
WFMW: (Cereal) Brand Loyalty

I can't even understand the concept behind cereals such as Cocoa Comets, Apple Dapples and Apple Cinnamon Toasted Oats (which sounds like something you'd feed a Autumn). My brain says why buy fake when you can have the real deal ?? I know, I know it's cheaper and more cost effective, but they taste like cereal-flavored cardboard.
Don't let there be a cereal sale...with coupons !! My eyes get misty just thinking about 6 boxes of cereal for $8 with a $2 off coupon.
and don't even get me started on Toaster Treats (fake Pop Tarts), which look like oversized postage stamps (and taste like fruity paper).
For more Works-For-Me-Wednesday Tips head on over to Rocks In My Dryer.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Things Kids Say (Part 2)
Pickles looks over at me and the conversation goes like this:
Pickles : "I have that."
Mommy: " You have what ?"
Pickles: "AARP."
Mommy, looking confused: "Do you know what AARP is ?"
Pickles: "Yeah, it's some kind of disease."
Mommy: " It's an acronym that means the American Association of Retired Persons, it's a group that does stuff for older people."
Pickles: "It's not a disease ?"
Mommy: "No,'s not a disease."
First Day of School 2007

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Mommy Goes Bananas for.... Officemax ?!?
If you check out their weekly ad link you will see why.
I actually had dreams about 1 cent crayons and 25 cent pencils. (You get 72 pencils for a stinkin' quarter....A QUARTER !!!)
I'm more excited than a kid at Christmas. I feel like dancing.
and yes, I will travel all the way across town to get to this bus, without any hesitation.
Because I MUST have those pencils and crayons and folders and paper.
Just a testament of how parenting can cause a grown woman to go temporarily insane.
I can hardly contain myself.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
My Top 10 Favorite Educational Websites
2. Starfall- Learn to Read at Designed to teach younger children how to read using phonics.
3. Educational games so fun your kids won't realize they've learned something.
4. Spelling List Helper- You can customize this helper with your child's words and they can learn them using the Look, Cover, Write and Check Method.
5. Internet4Classrooms- A site for teachers, this place ROCKS !! Lots of resources for kids in grades K-8.
6. Using English/Irregular Verb List- Never know when this site will come in handy...but sooner or later you'll need to know something about idioms or irregular verbs.
7. EasyTestMaker - Several different test formats that you can customize. You have to register to use the site, but most of the content is free.
8. The World Almanac for Kids- Detailed in some areas, but not in others this site is handy for getting an overview of important subjects.
9. Phonics Interactives- Phonics activities for grades K-6.
10. WebMath- 'Cause even Mommy doesn't have all the answers. This is a great place to go when you get stuck on a math problem.
Do you have a favorite educational website to share ? Leave a comment. Let's try to make homework time a stress-free time. :)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Picture of the Day- Sunday

The Things You Find in a Boy's Pants
Things I've found so far :
1 battery from a Nintendo DS
Wrappers from every food he consumes during a day
Pencils sharpened down to a 1-inch nub (just can't bear to throw those away, I guess)
Assorted Game Boy games
Markers (which are soooo much fun when they pop open in the washer or dryer)
Gum (another fun find, especially when it melts in the dryer)
A cd
shoelaces (no idea why these would be in his pocket and not in his shoe)
Lip Balm
Bratz Doll shoes (stolen from one of his sisters I'm sure)
There's nothing worse than settling down to relax while doing a load of laundry only to hear "Clank Clank" from the laundry room and knowing that I have indeed forgotten to check his pockets. I never know what I'll find, but it's always interesting.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
School Clothes Shopping with a Mid-Sized Family
10 pairs of jeans
2 skirts
12 shirts
3 hoodies
4 pairs of shoes
miscellaneous school supplies
24 pairs of socks
24 pairs of underwear
4 Bookbags
Grand Total $ 537.56.
I chose three stores and we were able to get some great deals. Of course, by the time we got to the third store the kids were acting insane, I was tired and had the beginnings of a headache and the stores were really crowded. Not a good combination, but we survived.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The Downside to School Starting
Every year I come in and speak to the teachers, especially the math teacher. I try to explain to him or her that my son really needs a teacher who is patient and understands his limitations. He starts off every year with a willingness and a thirst to learn and by the middle of the year he's been beaten down by the failures he's endured.
Every year I have the same problem... Yes, he looks and acts like any other child in his grade, but after you spend some time teaching him you begin to notice that there is a problem, but you just can't seem to put your finger on what it is.
Every year I encounter teachers who are less than passionate about their jobs (the 6th grade science teacher spent her classroom time shopping online and watching YouTube)
Pickles has already been tested for a learning disability, and they claim he doesn't have one. So why can't my son understand math ?? His teachers last year said that he wasn't a "serious student" and that he "acted like he wasn't interested in the work".
Well, duh, it's kind of hard to be serious about something you don't have a clue about.
When he was in the 5th grade his teacher stated that " he asks too many nonsensical questions."
I had to (nicely) explain to her that it's not nonsense if you really don't understand what's going on.
He does not understand.
He does have the ability to understand. It just takes a little more time and effort to get the information into his head.
Pickles has worked on math all summer, he still is not even close to being where he should be. He getting better at it, but it's going to be awhile.
Maybe I'm not ready for school to start yet...
Friday, August 10, 2007
I'm Ready, I'm Ready
They fight over every little thing.
They complain about being bored a million times a day.
They ask an unusually high number of silly "Mommy can you make pants ?" or "Mommy can you flush an egg down the toilet ?"
They ask how much longer until school starts.
I am sooooooo ready to send them.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Picture of the Day- Monday

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
2nd Day on the New Job
Even my brain is tired from having to get up at 5am. Heck...even my hair is tired.
I now know how zombies must feel.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Funnel Cake Sunday

3 eggs
Saturday, July 28, 2007
So Tell Me Again Why The Toilet Seat Is Wet ???
That's all I want to know.
You can't even get near the downstairs/Pickles' bathroom without smelling it first.
I've asked nicely. I've begged. I've threatened.
Please. Please. Please Baby, Baby Please.
Lift up the toilet seat when ya go.
That's all I ask.
And yet he still doesn't see the grossness in having to sit on a wet toilet seat.
It's not just that the seat is wet, but the entire area around the toilet has sprinkles on it too. Ewwwwww...
I feel for the boy, I really do. I understand how difficult it has to be to be the only male in a house full of females. But cut me some slack... ewwww
Granny believes he's going for some sort of World Record in Long Distance Peeing. Because it seems like he has to be standing in the doorway of the bathroom trying to work on his aim.
He spends about 30 minutes every morning cleaning it and scrubbing the floor. It still smells funny.
He doesn't seem to be able to understand that if he would just lift up the seat he probably wouldn't have to clean the toilet every. single. day.
He even asked me to pay him for cleaning it. LOL
Not going to happen. Ever.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Picture of the Day- Wednesday
Monday, July 23, 2007
Things Kids Say
Mommy: This tooth is driving me crazy.
Pickles: Doesn't it have a filling in it ?
Mommy: No, it's gonna have to come out.
Pickles: If you put some Vagisil on it, it'll stop hurting.
'Cole: No, that's Viagra. Vagisil has side-effects.
Mommy: !!??!!
I had to explain to them why those products are NOT for teeth (while trying not to hurt myself laughing) they finally understood and were completely grossed out.
My work here is done. ;)
What's For Dinner ?

Saturday, July 21, 2007
Going back to Work
The new job is great, it's just down the street from my old job. lol It pays well, has excellent benefits, every major (and some minor) holidays off, plenty of opportunities to advance.
But I'm just not excited. I just feel cautious. I worked for the same company for 6 and a half years, I loved working were everybody knew me. I hate thought of being the "new kid on the block".
I know it'll be great. I know it will.
Our Yard Sale
Today the kids are going to put out stuff they don't use so they could earn some extra money. They were amazed that people would actually pay money for our stuff. I told them people will always pay money for things in good condition. So now they're excited.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Pickles !!

Yesterday was Pickles 12th Birthday. He wanted to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, so he and I went to see it. Just mother and son. We stopped and picked up a birthday cake and for his birthday dinner he wanted breakfast for dinner. He wanted a t-shirt from Johnny Cupcakes , a new controller for his Playstation 2 and he wants the last Harry Potter book that is coming out next week.
We spent a lot of time talking about his firstmom and about drug addictions. He seems like he is starting to understand things, but with that understanding there is anger. He said he really felt angry at her. We talked about how a person who is addicted to drug is controlled by the drug and even when they are in danger of losing everything the know and love, the drugs prevent them from realizing the truth of their situation.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
True Love

Sunday, July 8, 2007
Good Deal Hunting
I spent a grand total of..... $50.
I just started visiting thrift stores this year, and have been amazed at what I've been able to find each and every time we go. I usually spend somewhere between $600 and $800 a year on just summer clothes alone. This year I've spent an amazing $400.
I love a good shopping day.
Now if I could just learn to save all the money I'm not spending I'd be in good shape.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July
Fighting the Good Fight
Which led 'Cole to comment about how I was ruining her life because she couldn't "go hang" with her friends. I had to look at her like she had gone temporarily insane. Surely this kid didn't think she was going to go gallivanting around unsupervised.
Why do I have to be the bad guy ? No, you cannot run around by alone down here. Why would you even ask such a question ?!?
Oh, I'm sorry for ruining your life, but I'm the's what I do.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Shameless Plug

NappyGear is a collection of clothes for people who wear their hair naturally and it's my sister's company. She's been working on this project for a few years now, right after she started getting her hair loc'ed.
So I just wanted to support her in this endeavor and share these wonderful designs with the folks who read Mommy Goes Bananas.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
"Nobody Likes Me" and How to Foster Self-Esteem in a Flower
But Daisy was difficult, it took me forever to pick a nickname for her and one day while I was looking at my garden it came to me. Daisy. So I told her her nickname was Daisy. She instantly got teary-eyed and said "Nobody likes me, everybody calls me names."
So I had to explain...
"Um Daisy is a nice name, it's the name of one of my favorite flowers. I like daisies because even though they aren't fancy or showy they are just simply you."
She was OK with it after I explained why I picked the name for her, but it seems like she is very sensitive to anything she perceives as negative...even if it's not.
She gets picked on at school, but only because she tattles (A LOT). She doesn't know how to make friends (she does know how to, but she doesn't THINK she knows how to.)
She constantly compares herself to everyone around her and uses that to decides whether or not she is successful or a failure.
For example 'Cole draws very well and Pinky is good at gymnastics, but because Daisy is not great at either of those things she feels like a failure.
Until the day we went to the park so I could teach them how to play tennis. Daisy picked up a tennis racket and hit the ball like she had been playing her whole life. It was amazing to see how self-assured she was out on the court and I knew I had found her "thing".
So now comes the hard part, finding other things she's good at so that it helps build her up. Because she needs that.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
My Favorite Things
Roses from the rosebush in our front yard.
A smile from my daughters.
The laughter of my son.
Ice Cream.
A cool Spring day.
The sound that fallen leaves make when you walk on them.
The first snow of the season, and how it makes everything look so fresh and white.
The laughter and smile of a baby.
Learning something new.
Sitting on my patio on the porch swing enjoying the peacefulness of my backyard.
Fresh clean sheets.
Strawberry cheesecake blizzards from Dairy Queen...mmmm.
Storms that come at the end of a long hot day, cooling the air.
A really good book with a great story and interesting characters.
Almost anything from Bath and Body Works, especially anything Warm Vanilla Sugar or Creamy Coconut.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Whatta ya mean there's no water ??
So after calling the water company and making sure it wasn't my fault (they were working on something), I informed Pinky and Daisy that there was no water so they couldn't flush the toilet, then 'Cole and Pickles came in from the library and I told them the water was off.
So for an hour I had to explain that:
1. If you flush the toilet it only has enough water to fill itself one more time.
2. No water in the house water in the house. No, you cannot use the downstairs bathroom, because there's no water there either.
3. No it's not just our house, the neighbors don't have water either.
4. The icemaker can't make ice, if there's no water.
5. No you can't wash your hair, because there. is. no. water.
The quote the day is from Pickles who asked me with a look of total disbelief on his face:
"So you mean if you turn the handle on that faucet no water will come out ?"
Right son, there is no water.
Luckily it's back on now. Just in time too, I was about ready to go screaming down the street.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Can You Spot a Fake Smile ?
I thought this test was pretty interesting.
You got 14 out of 20 correct
It was harder than I thought. (and some of the people were creepy looking)
If you take the test share your scores. (reply in the comments section of this post)
What Are We Reading ?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Farmer's Market
Next we went to the North Market a huge indoor marketplace. We wandered around and looked at the different types of fruits and vegetables, we saw different types of breads and meats. We found a Italian bakery and drooled over the cannoli, but ended up buying some delightful cream horns. We taste tested salsas made from Peach, Mango and Raspberries. Pinky and Daisy tried a hot and spicy salsa that made them run for a water fountain. We bought the Raspberry Salsa and some red tortilla chips and got some huge strawberries on our way out to the outdoor eating area.
We sat outside and enjoyed our cream horns and then walked back downtown to catch a bus to go home.
A wonderful day. Very relaxing and peaceful. I love days like this.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sand Eater ?
ATE the sand. (she said she wanted to see what it tasted like)
Doesn't sand taste like....sand !?!?
Still scratching my head over that one.
Even the twins don't do stuff like that.
In the words of Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
"I wash my hands of this weirdness."
Tough Stuff
She had a very rough beginning. There were many instances of her being abused by her (very young) biological mother. She still bears the physical scars of this abuse to this day.
But, I let her see the papers. I don't know if it was wrong or right. I'm not sure if it's better that she knows everything now or later. She already knew bits and pieces of the info, but this was the first time she's seen it in print.
I asked her if she had any questions about what she had read and she asked "What's a pre-placement visit ?" and I explained to her what that meant and I let her know I was available to listen or talk or answer any questions she might have, she said she didn't have any questions and she went back into her room and started watching a movie.
Today she seems...more cheerful than she has in a long time, it almost seems like a weight has been lifted off of her.
I still don't know if it was the right time or not, but if it answers some of the questions she has, I hope seeing that paperwork brings her a sense of peace.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Outdoor Movie Night
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Changing a Behavior
I probably should have just had her come in and go to bed, since apparently she had to be tired because only tired people get whiny.
One thing I've learned about being a parent is that I am constantly learning. It's always a matter of trying to figure out how to handle any and every situation that pops up. Daisy is good at sabotaging activities where she feels like she's not being the center of attention. It's really all about control, if it (the activity) doesn't happen the way she wants it to, she starts complaining, then it escalates to whining until finally no one is having any fun. I think that will be my behavior focus for this summer, catching the bahavior before it becomes a problem and redirecting her. It's hard to do it during the school year, because I'm not around her that much.
Some days I feel like I'm putting pieces in a giant puzzle, but I'm pretty sure I don't have all the pieces. A picture is starting to form, but I can't make it out. It just drives me to try harder, I can do this.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
My Favorite Recipe Sites

Meal planning for families is so difficult so I have a pretty good sized list of my favorite food related websites.
So here are a few...
Food Network
My Recipes
Just Slow Cooking
Copy Cat Recipes and More
Sunday, June 10, 2007
A Call from a former foster child
It's taken a long time for me to find forgiveness in my heart for this young lady after what she put my family through. I was the only one who tried to help her in her life. I was the first foster parent who help arrange visitations between her and her other siblings just so they could know each other, I arranged visits at the mother's home just so they could have at least one Christmas with her, together as a family, I gave her all that I could give...but I couldn't fix what years in the foster care system did to a young girl's spirit.
So we had a conversation, adult to adult (she's 20 years old now) and I must admit it was a nice conversation. We talked about work and college, she's moved back in with her biomom, but she feels like she's not in a healthy environment. She doesn't have any children yet. She and some of her siblings have drifted apart (there's 7 of them total) She drives now, has a car. She sounded...ok, almost happy.
And I miss them...not just my first two children, but all of the ones who have been in my home. I pray that they are safe and happy, and that they have allowed God's light ito shine in their lives.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Personal Responsibility (Part 1)
'Cole: I can't go on the field trip because I lost two school books."
Mommy: How'd you lose two books?"
'Cole: "I don't know, It was from the beginning of the school year."
Mommy: "So are you going to have to pay for them ?"
'Cole: "Well, I could use my allowance or you could pay for them for me." Mommy: *scratching head* "But I didn't lose any books..."
'Cole: It's not fair to make me pay for books I don't remember."
Mommy: " lost them..."
'Cole: "Can't you just give me the money for them ?"
Mommy: "But... you lost them."
'Cole: "It's not fair, nobody understands."
The money for the books (and her field trip spending money) came out of her allowance fund, she wasn't happy about that, but oh well. I can't ever remember a time that 'Cole has admitted to doing something wrong. She never apologizes. She can be just seems strange/odd, to me. She's the only person I know who can say "I didn't mean for it to happen, but it wasn't my fault." On the other hand, she's an excellent student, she doesn't steal, she doesn't lie, she's a likable, friendly girl. Kids look up to her.
But if nothing is ever your fault, how do you learn from your mistakes ?
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Meet The Family

'Cole, the teen age 13
Just Thinking....
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
--Marianne Williamson
One More Day
Well, since there's no real hope for escape, I guess I will try to keep everyone as busy as humanly possible and hope for the best.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
What's For Dinner

Menu *Week of June 3, 2007*
Lasagna with Garden Salad and Breadsticks
Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and Sauteed Green beans
Shredded Barbecue Chicken sandwiches with Corn and Potato Salad
Italian Sausage and Peppers over Rice with Tomatoes and Cucumbers
Grilled Hot Dogs with Baked Beans and Corn on the Cob
I think the menu for the week looks great, but every meal I have to answer the following questions:
101 Fun Summer Activities (Or how to keep Mommy from going insane)Part 1
2. Have a Barbie Doll Bath Day (In the tub or pool and use the sample sized bottles of shampoo for shiny clean Barbie hair)
3. Pull out the family board games and play
4. Play a computer game and compete against each other. We like Nanny Mania and Zuma.
5. Paint t-shirts (or tie dye them)
6. Go swimming
7. Play in the park (try to go to a new park once a week)
8. Have a picnic in the park.
9. Plant a garden.
10. Plan a meal with foods you've never had before.
11. Visit a Farmer's Market.
12. Pick strawberries from a farm.
13. Visit an amusement park.
14. Go to a museum.
15. Visit a festival.
16. Make homemade ice cream.
17. Have a talent show.
18. Do a craft project.
19. Get a big piece of canvas and some acrylic paint and create a mural.
20. Go stargazing.
21. Take a walk around the neighborhood and try to discover new things.
22. Learn the history of your neighborhood. (The library has some great books on local history)
23. Pull out the water guns and water balloons and have a neighborhood water fight.
24. See a movie.
25. Go to the zoo.
26. Visit a pet shop. (you don't have to buy anything, just look at all the animals)
27. Have a car wash.
28. Visit a museum.
29. Make and Bake a loaf of bread.
30. Do a Factory Tour.
31. Go for a bike ride.
32. Decorate cookies just for fun. (or make a cookie pizza)
33. Learn a new language. (Grab a book/tape from the library)
34. Give the dogs a bath.
35. Clean out the garage.
36. Make a fleece pillow(or blanket)
37. Have an outdoor movie night.
38. Blow bubbles.
39. Play with play dough outside.
40 Finger paint with your feet.
41. Put on a Play together (don't forget to videotape it)
42. Make paper airplanes.
43. Make your own soap.
44. Have a spa day.
45. Go see a baseball game.
46. Go play a baseball game.
47. Make s'mores and tell ghost stories outside.
48. Make a pizza.
49. Learn one new thing without using a computer.
50. Make a teddy bear.
101 Fun Summer Activities (Or how to keep Mommy from going insane)Part 2
52. Take a vacation.
53. Go to a beach.
54. Run through a sprinkler.
55. Make your own slip-and slide. (Heavy tarp + sprinkler=fun)
56. Climb a tree.
57. Build a tree house.
58. Go camping.
59. Give everyone a can of whipped cream and put them outside for a whipped cream fight.
60. Learn Sign Language.
61. Learn how to draw.
62. Take swimming lessons.

63. Go to an Airshow.
64. Go see fireworks.
65. look at the living creatures in a creek.
66. Invite a cousin over to spend the week (or weekend)
67. Make doughnuts out of canned biscuits and decorate them.
68. Find out important things about your birthday. Birthday Calculator + Facts
69. Learn about a different culture.
70. Clean out from under all the beds.
71. Watch diet coke fizz when you add Mentos to it. Fizz Factor
72. Clear out a room and go carpet skating Carpet Skates
73. Teach the dog a trick.
74. Learn a magic trick.
75. Grab some joke books from the library and have a comedy day.
76. Read the newspaper together.
77. Do a crossword puzzle together.
78. Have a party for no reason.
79. Visit a neighbor.
80. Clean up the litter in your block.
81. Make coloring books to trade with each other.
82. Go to a free concert.
83. Make a CD of summer music and have a sing-a-long.
84. Go birdwatching.
85. Buy a disposable camera and a scrapbook so everyone can remember their favorite summer things.
86. Visit your state capitol building.
87. Go for a paddle boat ride.
88. Have a slumber party.
89. Play tennis.
90. Visit an Aquarium
91. Go miniature golfing
92. Go bowling.
93. Visit a fair.
94. Visit a family member you haven't seen in awhile.
95. Go horseback riding
96. Take a drive through the country.
97. Hop on a Greyhound Bus and take a short ride to a nearby town.
98. Spend the night at the Zoo. (May need to get a group together for this)
99. Paint each others faces
100. Make balloon animals.
101. Just enjoy each other.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Summer Craft Camp
Summer Craft Camp
There are a lot of cool ideas for snacks and games for kids.
check it out :)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
One More Week of School
I always wanted to be able to spend the summer with the kids. I imagined our days filled with arts and crafts, playing in the park and swimming. Now that I'm faced with dealing with four bickering children for almost three months I'm not feeling it.
I know I should be thankful to have been given this opportunity for Quality Bonding Time, but really what am I supposed to do with these people ?? Being unemployed I/we don't have the money for a vacation or amusement parks.
So here's my short list of Cheap/Free Summertime fun for the Family:
Summer reading club at the library
Make homemade ice cream
Play on the trampoline (must fix it first)
Outdoor movie night (take a tv and dvd player out on the patio and watch a movie or two)
Craft Projects
See fireworks on the 4th of July
Paint Pottery at the Mall @ $6 per person
Tie Dye T-Shirts
Go to the $1 movie (It's .50 per person on Tuesdays)
Buy a Pool for the Backyard (probably the most expensive thing, but it will get a lot of use)
Go to the Zoo (we have a season pass)

(Maybe they're covered in toilet water...who knows)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Welcome to My World- Intro
All my life I knew my children would be adopted. I knew it the same way people know that grass is green or the sky is blue. I felt it all the way inside my soul. I imagined having a large family, ten kids. LOL Now I'm pretty sure there's NO WAY I could handle ten. Six maybe...but not ten.
Some of my favorites are:
Favorite Movie : Yours, Mine, and Ours (The old one, not the remake)
Favorite Singers: Tina Turner, B.B. King, The Fabulous Thunderbirds
Favorite Colors: Purple and Blue
Favorite Time of Day: Nighttime, after the kids are in bed

Favorite Actor: Hugh Jackman --->
Favorite Food: Lasagna
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Favorite Vacation: Myrtle Beach
Favorite Thing to Do: I just started gardening, so that's pretty cool. I love to surf the internet, I loved painting but it's been a long time since I did it.